District Court of Thessaloniki No 1594/2015 on the case: music copyright CMO vs. food establishment

The legal action brought by a CMO against a user for unauthorised public performance of musical works shall be rejected as undefined if it does not comprise any declaration regarding the existence of assignment agreements between the CMO and the creators of the works in question, as required by art. 55 para. 2 Law 2121/1993. The same applies if the action comprises no mention regarding the accomplishment of formalities imposed by art. 56 para. 3 Law 2121/1993 related with the establishment and publication of applicable tariffs.

Key-words: CMO-music public performance-right to bring proceedings- undefined action

Law provisions: Law No 2121/1993 [Greek Copyright Act], art. 3 para. 1 and 2, 54 para 1 and 3, 55 para. 2, 56 para. 3, 63, 65; Civil Procedure Code, art. 216 para. 1